What is the Metaverse? Here’s Why It Matters

Universal Scene Description is a specification for 3D computer graphics interchange created by Pixar and supported by Blender, Apple’s SceneKit and Autodesk 3ds Max. The technology company NVIDIA announced in 2021 they would adopt USD for their metaverse development tools. Dependence on VR technology has limited metaverse development and wide-scale adoption. Limitations of portable hardware and the need to balance cost and design have caused a lack of high-quality graphics and mobility.

metaverse meaning

The adoption statistics that it draws on are all VR adoption statistics, but VR can be used for many things; even if in future a metaverse does emerge and become accessible via VR, that doesn’t mean that all VR interaction will become metaverse interaction. Decentralization is at the core of the notion of the metaverse, meaning that users will be managing and controlling virtual spaces, rather than a single entity. Taking inspiration from the likes of Minecraft and Roblox, the Sandbox metaverse uses a 3D voxel approach to let its players make use of their imagination and create worlds in whatever way they want. It’s particularly popular for its content creation tools and gaming experiences. Although not quite an MMORPG (it’s not designed for game-play), Second Life remains an open-world social network with avatars. Medical learning companies are deploying virtual reality and augmented reality to disrupt medical learning, allowing for the simulation of patient and surgical interactions and allowing students to practice new techniques.

Related Terms

“I couldn’t manage to make plans in real life because of the pandemic, so I took the chance of building a cool place to host the virtual event,” he tells TIME. Looking at this list of metaverse projects, it’s easier to start understanding the major themes already playing out in virtual environments. Decentralized – The metaverse won’t be owned by a single individual or entity but by all of its users. This is made possible in part due to the contribution of blockchain technology. The word itself is a combination of ‘Meta’, the Greek prefix for beyond, across or after, and universe. In this sense, we can simply understand the metaverse as the evolution of the internet where there won’t be much separation between digital and physical.

metaverse meaning

It also assumes the wide-spread adoption of hardware such as VR headsets and digital glasses. The term ‘virtual economy’ was first used to refer to the exchange or sale of virtual goods within online games, particularly massive multiplayer online games. In some of these games, players can buy things from each other and exchange real money for game-based money. However, virtual economies can also now incorporate crypto currencies and non-fungible tokens.

The Metaverse introduces a new media of advertising

Essentially, the metaverse is supposed to be a 3D version of the internet that is seen as the logical next stage of development, and would ideally be accessed through a single gateway. The concept of the metaverse is quickly becoming a buzzword in technology and business which is being embraced by Facebook. You’ve seen that different groups define the metaverse in various ways. Ultimately, your metaverse meaning will come from exploring and enjoying the metaverse for yourself. Click here to read the full metaverse meaning explained by Jason Low, CEO of Virtualtech Frontier. Radoff notes that large areas within the metaverse are essentially “walled gardens”.

Axie Infinity has seen a lot of international popularity during the pandemic; the Philippines has particularly seen a great deal of growth, with players of all ages using the game to earn money. You need to own three of these “Axies” before you can even play the game, and currently the lowest priced creatures on the marketplace are over $100. Tomlinson had always been interested in virtual reality, but it wasn’t until he tried the Oculus Quest headset and was introduced to a productivity app called Immersed that he found the answers to his work conundrum.

Who Owns the Metaverse?

Some metaverse implementations rely on digital currencies, and often cryptocurrency. Assets within the metaverse are sometimes traded as non-fungible tokens and track ownership using blockchain technology. Certainly, some are drawn to VR to experience https://xcritical.com/ heightened escapism or to interact with others virtually. But this disconnection to the physical world, and the uneasy feeling of separation from people, may be a significant hurdle in getting people to voluntarily wear a headset for hours at a time.

metaverse meaning

Epic Games, makers of the popular online shooter game Fortnite — with some 350 million users — and the Unreal Engine software for game developers, planned to stake a claim in the metaverse following a $1 billion round of funding in 2021. We can expect many variations on the theme of this ambitious vision, explained Lawton in his article on top predictions about the metaverse. Some predict that a handful of platforms will ultimately dominate the space, as Apple iOS and Google Android did with mobile. The VR market has seen remarkable innovations in a short period of time.

Metaverse Meaning

For instance, plots near a VR street may be worthwhile because of the potential for display advertisements. Database management systems , the Metaverse concept is incomplete without blockchain. Without the influence of a centralized organization, the blockchain-based Metaverse enables access to any digital place. Gamification is introduced when users have the What Is The Metaverse chance to modify their avatars, creating a more engaging and dynamic experience. As application scenarios mature, the Metaverse will develop into an exceptionally large-scale, extremely open, and dynamically optimized system. To create a system that can support various virtual reality application scenarios, creators from different fields will work together.

  • The metaverse allows to attend immersive experiences, mixing virtual and real, and even to make transactions via NFTs, crypto or other digital currencies.
  • Access points for the metaverse includes general-purpose computers and smartphones, augmented reality, mixed reality, and virtual reality.
  • Metaverse development is often linked to advancing virtual reality technology due to the increasing demands for immersion.
  • The metaverse is a virtual world where humans, as avatars, interact with each other in a three-dimensional space that mimics reality.
  • His coworkers took a while to adjust to the fact that he usually appears in group video meetings as an avatar, and his family is “not as enamored” as he is.
  • The creators of Roybi, an educational AI robot that helps children learn about STEM topics and new languages, are venturing into the metaverse.

But it clearly has the potential to disrupt multiple industries and sectors by requiring that they spend more money on technology or compete with others to provide metaverse experiences to their consumers. While the company started with video games, they have now moved to creating virtual social experiences like music concerts or dance parties. Other companies working on metaverse projects are Nvidia Corp which is building an Omniverse platform that can connect 3D virtual words in a shared universe and which is currently used for creating simulations of buildings and factories. Though metaverse technology is years away from being fully realized, it is expected to eventually be a place where you can work, play, learn, create, shop, and interact with friends in a virtual, online environment.

Word History

The investment Meta is making in global research and program partners to build the metaverse in a responsible way. Then rumors began swirling in mid-October 2021 about a Facebook rebrand—complete with a new name—to embrace the company’s commitment to the metaverse. In July 2021, Mark Zuckerberg talked with journalist Casey Newton about the metaverse and the changes he envisioned for Facebook. In October 2021, Meta announced plans to create 10,000 new high-skilled jobs in the European Union to help shape the metaverse. Create a free account on a platform like Roblox, Fortnite or Minecraft, which you can experience on a PC, mobile device or gaming console. It will be challenging to enjoy the benefits of the digital world without a crypto wallet, even at this early adoption stage.


Others might highlight the work of digital architects or fashion designers. And others still may give people the chance to enter into a small virtual world centered on gaming. But all of these areas of the metaverse will highlight how immersive the technology is. They note that “The metaverse, therefore, isn’t one digital space but several digital spaces and experiences currently being created by companies to offer more realistic and immersive digital experiences”.

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