How to Run Effective Virtual Meetings

Effective communication is essential to success, whether you are an online worker or one who works in person. Virtual meetings can be difficult to manage, but following the guidelines in this article can help organize more effective meetings.

Engage attendees at the beginning. Start meetings with an icebreaker. For instance ask participants to share their best moments from the week or a point they found humorous. This creates a positive mood and gives the attendees something to concentrate on prior to diving into agenda items.

At the start of the meeting, assign a note-taker. It is easy for participants to miss important information in a remote meeting. A person who can record the discussion will prevent miscommunication. Encourage everyone to make notes so that they can look over and apply the knowledge later.

In a virtual meeting, it can be difficult to avoid interrupting or talking at the same time as a person. To prevent this, promote turn-taking and encourage the use of the «raise hand» function within your virtual meeting software.

Finish your meeting with an action plan that is clear and concise items. This will ensure that your team adheres on the goals and decisions you make during your meetings. It’s recommended to send a summary of the outcomes of the meeting along with actions items within a couple of days following the conclusion of the meeting. This can be done using a shared document, or by sending an email through your meeting software.

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