Running a Successful Board Meeting

A well-organized agenda is crucial for the success of a meeting. It should include a mix of updates and discussions. How can you ensure the board is actively engaged in discussions that result in strategies that propel the company forward, instead of simply discussing the information that has been distributed?

It is crucial to place the most important discussion topics at the top of the agenda. This will motivate the leadership to keep meetings lively by starting the meaty discussion early. It also sets an example that the meeting is more than a mere presentation of reports. This will lessen the tendency to get distracted by new topics or to waste time on activities that can be moved to later meetings.

Once the board has discussed and decided on the company’s goals, the next step is to develop an action plan. This includes the identification and definition of concrete metrics that are aligned with these goals like net promoter score (NPS), customer retention and satisfaction, sales by region or employee turnover.

During the discussion, it is crucial that the board considers the pros and cons of each option. This will ensure that everyone knows the principles they accept and that the decisions taken will have a positive impact on the business. It is also essential to establish a culture of respect, so that board members feel comfortable sharing their opinions and challenging the prevailing views with respect.

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